SylPad used to increase pressure resistance during the live leak repair of a 450mm steel pipe

Video: How to increase live leak pipe repair pressure resistance using SylPad

About this Pipe Repair Video

SylPad is used for repairing holes on pipework over 150mm diameter. It works by better concentrating the elastic force of Wrap & Seal directly over the hole in the pipe, increasing pressure resistance by up to three times.

This demonstration video was filmed at Sylmasta HQ. A 7.2mm hole was cut into a 450mm steel pipe with operating pressure set at 3 bar. Such a repair without SylPad would normally require four Large Wrap & Seal (PB-50x4HD) to seal the leak.

The repair began by drawing a line on the pipe to mark where the hole was. This meant the exact location of the leak could be identified once the tape was wrapped around the pipe.

Wrap & Seal was anchored around 50mm to the side of the leak. The tape was then wrapped towards the hole with a 50 percent overlay. Once the hole was reached, the application continued directly over it.

After two layers of Wrap & Seal were built, SylPad was pushed onto the tape directly above the hole as marked by the pen. SylPad stuck without the need for any adhesive.

Wrap & Seal was then wrapped over SylPad, securing it in place and forming a ridge over the hole. Greater pressure was now being directed down onto the hole rather than spread outwards, as would be the case had SylPad not been used.

By the complete application of only one PB50x4HD tape, the leak was successfully sealed. SylPad had reduced the number of Wrap & Seal required from four to one, speeding up the repair significantly.

To further showcase the increase in live leak pipe repair pressure resistance possible using SylPad, a second tape was added and pressure through the demo rig pushed to 6 bar.

A third Wrap & Seal then achieved 9 bar pressure; resistance which would have needed 12 x PB50x4HD tapes without the use of SylPad.

SylPad is available to be as an individual product. It is also included in is as standard in SylWrap Universal Pipe Repair Kits 633 and 866 and all SylWrap Pipe Repair Contractor Cases covering pipework 150mm upwards.

Because SylPad is contained within layers of Wrap & Seal and does not come into contact with pipe contents, it does not require WRAS approval for use in high pressure live leak pipe repair on supply lines carrying potable water.

Live Leak Pipe Repair Products

SylPad Pressure Resitance Multiplier
Increases the pressure resistance of Wrap & Seal by up to three times when repairing live leaks on pipes in excess of 150 diameter

Wrap & Seal Pipe Burst Tape
Self-amalgamating waterproof pipe repair which fuses together to form a solid rubber band, sealing live leaks

Related Case Study

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