How to Videos
The following videos show Sylmasta pipe repair, maintenance and refurbishment products in use. They showcase the type of applications possible and demonstrate how to use various products from the Sylmasta range.
Video: How to increase live leak pipe repair pressure resistance using SylPad
Watch how to increase the pressure resistance of a live leak repair to large diameter pipework by using SylPad in conjunction with Wrap & Seal Pipe Burst Tape
Video: How to make an online pipe repair without using tapes, wraps or a clamp
A demonstration video filmed on a test rig at Sylmasta HQ showing how to repair a 5 bar live leak on a 150mm steel pipe using no pipe repair tapes, wraps or clamps
Video: How to use a Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty Stick to repair areas of damage
See how easy it is to mix and apply Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty Stick, followed by a wooden demo piece repair involving rebuilding a missing corner and filling deep holes
Video: How to make a high-strength metalwork repair with Industrial Metal Epoxy Paste
Watch how to mix and apply Industrial Metal, followed by a demonstration of the cured material’s machinability and strength after repairing a hole in a metal demo piece
Video: How to repair a leaking flange when pipe pressure cannot be turned off
Watch how Superfast Aqua PW Epoxy Putty can be used in conjunction with a valve to seal a leaking flange on a live pipe operating at 2 bar pressure
Video: How to protect surfaces and parts from abrasion and impact using WearShield Epoxy Paste
Demonstration video showing the effectiveness of WearShield Epoxy Paste in forming an alumina-reinforced layer over surfaces to protect against abrasion, impact and wear