Q-Free Copper Anti-Seize

Q-Free Copper Anti-Seize is a lead-free lubricant with an operating temperature of up to 1100°C for protecting against seizure caused by corrosion, chemical attack and saltwater.

It can be used as an assembly paste to give initial lubrication on startup and prevent seizure and galling, reducing assembly time.

Q-Free enables fast and easily dismantling of components, allowing them to be reused once dismantled, including in high temperature environments and freezing conditions to -30°C.

It provides effective lubrication in saturated conditions, including chemical environments and saltwater.

Q-Free is used on pipe fittings and valves in the chemical and petrochemical industry, gas refineries and oil drilling equipment.

Product Code: LCOP-

Q-Free Copper Anti-Seize Details

Typical applications for Q-Free include threaded pipe connections, flanges, valves, threaded fasteners, exhaust system, brake calipers, bearings, kilns, ovens and engine components.

Q-Free is supplied in sizes of either 500g or 20kg. It is applied by brush to both threaded components prior to assembly.

For optimum performance, ensure that both the threaded surfaces are completely coated in Q-Free.

Benefits of Q-Free

  • Reduces assembly time by preventing seizure
  • Seawater. chemical and corrosion protection
  • Enables fast and easy dismantling of components
  • Temperature range of -30°C to 1100°C


  • Lubricating threaded pipe connections, flanges, threaded fasteners and valves
  • Protecting pipe fittings and valves in chemical and petrochemical plants, oil drilling equipment and gas refineries
  • Preventing seizure in exhaust systems, brake calipers, bearings, kilns, ovens and engine components

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Q-Free Copper Anti-Seize


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